You know what the theory of integral regard to psychology? Well, there are psychological tests that can be taken, ask some questions after you finish the entire process of payroll questions are listed in the results and tells you where you are within the limits of personality, political affiliation, personal interests or abilities.
And now, not long ago I spoke with an instructor who participate in special education. They seem to have made use of the theory of integral research and found they were able to place children in special education curriculum in particular, individual depending on where you went to the box, after evaluating students and answer lots of questions. Unfortunately, not all special education classrooms around the country using these methods when it comes to identifying the most appropriate education for special needs, autism, or slow learning students to determine. The use of integrated theory to properly assess each student, teachers are better able to give children a way to go and great progress in their learning process. Each child learns differently and there is a wide range of all students in a class of special needs.
If you have an instructor or special education teacher or special needs, maybe you should look at this too. There are some great writing research papers about this in many educational journals, but best of all, working in the real world, where what really matters to real children.